Mindblown: a blog about philosophy.
JumpCamp is gonna shred cancer
Our friend Jackie Christensen; loving, supportive wife, mom and friend was diagnosed with cancer last year. Being self-employed meant that medical benefits and sick time were not something she could take advantage of. Her husband Curt; a talented and highly respected tattoo artist and their two kids Magnus and Marlayna have been by her side […]
Nov. 23
JumpCamp’s annual Snowboard Drive is back! Nov.14 – Dec.15 The snow is coming so it’s time for JumpCamp’s annual Snowboard Drive. Just like a toy drive we’re collecting snowboards, boots, jackets, pants, gloves and goggles to be distributed to less fortunate youth and families in the Comox Valley. We know that snowboarding is an expensive […]
Jan ’23
Jumpcamp is forbidden – photo book The JumpCamp crew can add a new feat to its long list of accomplishments; publishing. For over two decades, JumpCamp has taken the abandoned mountain of Forbidden Plateau and created a private shred training facility rivaling other resorts. After 20 years we thought it would only make sense to […]
May ’22
Aug ’21
Feb ’21
When it comes to the history of Forbidden Plateau they ask the experts; our pal Katherine owner of “Yummies & Gyros” Greek Cafe and of course us. Your eye in the sky Forbidden Plateau shred report for Feb. 16; Pretty nice. Photo by master pilot Olaf Larsen Historical Forbidden Website Visit www.forbiddenskihill.ca for info and […]
JumpCamp’s Santa Snowboard Drive Dec. 4 – Dec. 18
Christmas is coming so it’s time again for JumpCamp’s annual Santa Snowboard Drive. ”Just like a toy drive we are collecting snowboards, boots, jackets and pants to be distributed to less fortunate youth and families in the Comox Valley,” said JumpCamp CEO Patrick Kitto. “At JumpCamp we understand that snowboarding can be an expensive sport […]
Mar ’20
Feb ‘20
JumpCamp on Assignment at Mt Baker Thanks to our American homedogs for the hospitality. Killer weekend on assignment at the Legendary Baker Banked Slalom. https://www.mtbaker.us/
Jan ’20
Ho ho ho homies! We hooked up the Lake Trail boys club with boards, boots, outerwear & passes. Thanks to everyone involved.
Got any book recommendations?